It’s a beautiful Spring day in New Jersey. The Cherry Blossoms are blooming! The tree leaves are growing! And….Oh, my garden needs to be tended too!!! As I look out the window, I can see my across the street neighbor just now cleaning his patch, looks like I’m right on time!
Over the past year, I have been asked by many of my Facebook friends about growing their own food. Can you help me with my garden? Can you tell me how to get started? What if I don’t have a green thumb? Well, it’s never too late to get started! So follow me as I put together an awesome vegetable garden. Don’t worry about the size you have allotted for your patch. Believe me, I work with a small space and I still grow a good amount of food.
I remember being a little girl living in Trenton, NJ. My grandmother would grow tomatoes and corn, amongst other foods, in our back yard. I can remember her picking them for dinner. When we moved out of the city to the suburbs, she had a nice size patch where she grew many vegetables and herbs like thyme. Many times she would send me outside to get what she needed. I never knew this back then, but she was doing two things. She was saving money and she was providing us with a healthy foods. It wasn’t until I became ill and wanted to get better that growing my own vegetable patch and feeding my family took on a new meaning.
Now, let me be real with you. I’m not one who grew up on a farm and fell in love with gardening. What I did fall in love with was the idea of growing my own food and knowing that my health can benefit greatly from from eating it. I’m not a gardening expert. So understand that there are some things I simply don’t know. But what I do know is the end result is always rewarding!
Let’s Get Started!