
Natasha, Where Have You Been?

Written by:Natasha Pennant

March 31, 2015

The past few months have been a little rocky for me as a person and as a health coach.  I had been dealing with a stress that seemed almost unavoidable.  It was like none I had ever encountered before.  I was a victim of a heartless person.  And because this person felt as though they could just use me and take my kindness for a weakness all while knowing I had a heart condition that was still not 100% recovered, I suffered in a way I had never suffered before.

I was coping with a horrible breakup after finding out that my “significant other” had been a significant other to many females during

the 5 year span that we had been together.  He allowed me to believe that I was going to marry him once I made a move down to Florida and we would be together as a couple.  What he failed to reveal is he had over 30 other women he was sleeping with and was seeing another from San Antonio that he told he would marry as well.  As a result, I suffered from a broken heart.  We never really see how serious that can be.  But being that I have a pre-existing heart condition, this proved to be almost deadly.

I was already suffering from symptoms of congestive heart failure before the breakup because I was being strung along.  I was hospitalized after the breakup the day after Thanksgiving with congestive heart failure.  The funny thing is I felt fine after.  So I continued doing what I always did.  Living my life.  I went to Florida for a convention in Orlando and had a magnificent time.  I then took my son to Disney World and we spent a day in Epcot Center with no issues.  When I got home, things didn’t go so well.

I started to have a really horrible cough.  I was coughing so hard that my stomach was starting to hurt.  I went to the emergency room and was told I had Bronchitis and prescribed Albuterol inhaler and an antibiotic.  Two days later, I was back in the emergency room and I told the staff that I couldn’t be in congestive heart failure because I could breathe and the problem was in my stomach.  Even with a raised BNP (which shows how well the heart is working), I was given a shot of Lasix (a diuretic) and sent home to follow up with my cardiologist.  I was convinced that my stomach was the issue.  So I went to the cardiologist’s office, got a huge dose of Lasix and went home.

By this time, I was having a hard time when I ate.  It felt like the food was gone as soon as I ate it.  I couldn’t drink my smoothies, lemon water, or anything healthy.  I found I could keep down soda and anything sweet.  But I knew I didn’t want to consume anything unhealthy.  My appetite was diminishing and all I could do was suck on candy.  I found myself getting nauseous, but I had nothing to throw up.  I found it weird that there was not bile when I did throw up, just mucous and fluid.

During this time, I had an appointment with my congestive heart failure doctor who told me he wanted to give me a right heart catherization.  He never told me why.  Just that he wanted to do so.  I told him, I need to know what is wrong with my stomach first.  And he allowed me to walk out of his office.  I made an appointment to see a gastroenterologist, because my stomach was ailing me and it seemed that my body was not getting the benefits of any of my medications that I have to take for my heart.  I had an unltrasound done on my stomach and kidney and then had a radioactive test done to see how well I digested my food.  For the radioactive test, I was given the most disgusting egg white sandwich I have ever had.  I was also to have an endoscopy. But that never happened.

After a few days, I was having an issue with water retention in my legs.  Until this point in time, I had never had this happen in all the 15 years I have had cardiomyopathy.  My mother urged me to call my cardiologist’s office.  I was told to go to the emergency room at another local hospital that worked with heart failure patients on a superior level than the hospital closest to my home.

Turns out, I was actually in right-sided congestive heart failure.  I was still suffering on the inside from the break-up.  While my mind was over it, my body was not.  I had broken heart syndrome which is a REAL condition.

So after a hiatus from writing in my blog, posting online, and seeing clients; I am happy to say I am back!!!  I am taking it slow but you can follow my journey on my blog, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest accounts.  I am still interactive with clients because we all need to get to wellness, just on a smaller scale as I take care of myself!!!

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