So happy to have my cousin join me on my morning walk today. At the end of the walk we looked at our Fitbits and she asked me about calories. So that prompted me to my post for today. I’m going to let you in on a little industry like that has been force fed to you.
That’s right! Not all calories are created equal. You could have a candy bar that is 100 calories and some veggies or fruit that are also 100 calories and they will not nourish the body in the same way.
So what are calories and why do they matter? Well think of calories as fuel for your tank. The candy bar would be a lower quality than regular fuel and the fruits/veggies would be your Supreme type of fuel. It’s that simple. Calories are what give us the energy we need to make it through the day.
So if food should energize you, why do you get the “It is”? Because you are eating the wrong foods for your body. Thinking about taste of food is all good and dandy, because believe me, taste does matter. But the nourishing factor comes first.
What are empty calories? Empty calories are calories from foods that have no business in our bodies. They have no micronutrients. Micronutrients consist of vitamins, minerals and amino acids.
Next time you pick up a food, look not just at the amount of calories, but whether the calories will give you energy or not!
Love, Light and Wellness,
Health Coach Natasha