Illuminate Wellness – Start Where You Are

Illuminate Wellness – Start Where You Are

The hashtag I use on social media quite often is ‪#‎noexcuses‬. Why do I use this? There are several people, including myself, who have ailments that literally knock them off of their feet. Yet they still do what they have to do to push themselves to the next step in...
Rock With It Or Not With It

Rock With It Or Not With It

So I’m searching around my house and find that I have a plethora of cookbooks with so many recipes I have yet to try.  Since I now have an audience following what I do and learning from me, I decided that I would do a tried and true section for all to follow.  I...
An Emotional Last Visit With My Cardiologist

An Emotional Last Visit With My Cardiologist

When I was first diagnosed with Postpartum Cardiomyopathy (PPCM), I was assigned a cardiologist who was fairly new to the practice at Mercer Bucks Cardiology.  I was 22 and was concerned about my health, but not to the point where I knew the importance of my...
Join Me In Fitbit World!

Join Me In Fitbit World!

This post today is going to be short and sweet! I really amuse myself at times.  Since the beginning of February, I haven’t been able to find my charger for my Fitbit.  I”ve been waiting for months, to find my charger.  I’ve looked high and low...
Controlling Those Pesky Weeds

Controlling Those Pesky Weeds

Weeds can be an organic gardener’s curse. Actually, for all gardeners, weeds are the bane of their existence in some cases. This gardener absolutely detests weeding her garden, but it must be done to promote healthy growth of plants and insure a good crop. Even if...

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